Mugwort: Our Guide Between the Realms

In the rich tapestry of earth's greenery, Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) emerges as a beacon of historical and spiritual importance. Often seen flourishing in the hedgerows and on the boundaries between dense forest and open field, Mugwort’s chosen habitat speaks volumes of its nature—a bridge between the ancient and the contemporary, the wild and the cultivated, and this world and the beyond.

For many who work with Mugwort, this verdant herb is revered as a manifestation of the crone goddess aspect, symbolising wisdom, vision, and protection. From time-honoured remedies to the scented spirals of modern incense blends, Mugwort has woven its way through the annals of human history, always beckoning us closer to nature's heart.

Historic Folk Traditions of Mugwort

In the ancient town of Colchester, archaeologists were thrilled to discover Mugwort among the sacred artifacts of who has become known as the Druid of Colchester, hinting at its spiritual significance in Druidic practices, some two thousand years ago.

From the Anglo-Saxon era, the Lacnunga Manuscript offers poetic testimony to Mugwort’s essence. The "Nine Herb Charm" within the text sings praises to its healing prowess, linking it intimately with protection and rejuvenation with the following verse:

Remember Mugwort, what you foretold,
What you revealed in the great proclamation.
Una you were, the oldest of herbs
Mightier than the three, Mightier than the thirty
Mightier than sickness and infection
And mightier than the dark shadow that roaves across the land

Beyond manuscripts and archeological finds, Mugwort has long been cherished in herbal circles. Its leaves, when brewed or applied, were believed to remedy a plethora of ailments, grounding its reputation not just in mysticism but also in tangible, earthy wellness.

Mugwort Today as Incense

Mugwort's role in the modern spiritual landscape is as fragrant as ever. More and more people are turning to this native herb as a powerful smudging ally, cleansing spaces of stagnant energies and ushering in an aura of protection.

Yet, beyond its protective guise, mugwort serves as a guide to the dream realm. Embodying the boundary spirit she’s known for, she assists seekers during shamanic journeys, guiding them beyond the veils of our reality, into realms of profound insight and introspection.

Mindful Use

Embracing the gifts of Mugwort demands reverence and caution. Some might experience allergic reactions to its potent aroma, so it's crucial to ensure well-ventilated spaces when burning it as incense. Additionally, its latent toxicity warrants caution, particularly for those expecting, as ingestion can pose risks during pregnancy.

As with all gifts from Mother Earth, one must approach Mugwort with a sense of respect and responsibility. Part of this responsibility lies in ensuring that the Mugwort we use is sustainably sourced and harvested with ethical care, honouring the plant spirit as our ancestors did.

Our Mugwort smudge sticks are gathered by hand, with offerings given to the land, permission asked of the plants and songs sung to the spirits, and harvested in a responsible way with consideration to the plant and the surrounding environment. Our bags of Mugwort are sourced from organically grown plants, harvested responsibly early in the year.

As we stand at the crossroads of past wisdom and future potential, Mugwort serves as a luminous guide, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all realms. By weaving together threads of history, folklore, and contemporary spiritual practice, we deepen our bond with this land and honour the sacredness inherent in every leaf, every scent, and every ritual. Mugwort invites us all to tread mindfully on this shared journey, cherishing the blessings and teachings it bestows upon us.

Curious about the ancient art of smudging and the magic of Mugwort? Enrol in our online course, 'Smudge & Ceremony', and explore the shamanic roots of burning herbs for spiritual cleansing. Discover the history, including Native British traditions, and harness smudging techniques for personal and home cleansing. Using native plants, this course, captured from a live session, is your gateway to a deeper spiritual connection.


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