Heron Drums Blog

How to celebrate Lughnasadh with your Shamanic Drum

How to paint your Shamanic Drum

How to make your own Shamanic Drum Beater

How to celebrate the Summer Solstice with your Shamanic Drum

The Heartbeat of Community

Spirit Holes

Ovoid Shamanic Drums

The Horned-God and Antlered Goddess Handle

The Goddess Handle

Spiraling Cross Handle

The Trispiral Handle

The Traditional Cross Handle

Sacred Stones: Behind the Scenes of this Special Collection
As we introduce this special collection this week, we also wanted to show you some of the behind the scenes.

Sacred Stones: Stones and their Stories (Part II)

Sacred Stones: Stones and their Stories (Part I)

Sacred Stones: Honouring the Ancient Ones beneath our feet
We are excited to launch this special collection of Shamanic Drums with stones from this Sacred Land

How to Celebrate the Winter Solstice with your Shamanic Drum
The Winter Solstice is a time for reflection, introspection, and connecting with our vision. With our Shamanic Drums, we can attune ourselves to this change to connect with the wisdom and medicine of this upcoming season.

Creating a Sacred Space for Shamanic Drumming
When using our Shamanic Drum, we are often doing so for healing, guidance, prayer, or to connect with something deeper within ourselves or beyond ourselves. It is important to hold such sacred work within Sacred Space.

How to celebrate Samhain with your Shamanic Drum
Samhain is a magical time of the year. It is the time of the thin veil when we honour the ancestors. For many, Samhain also symbolises new beginnings. With our Shamanic Drums, we can attune ourselves to this change to connect with the wisdom and medicine of this upcoming season.